Morning all,
Not been on for a while, don't know where the days are going. Been busy the last few days I was at a craft meet in Warrington all day on Sunday which was great. Spent Tuesday in the hospital with Son having five teeth taken out.
Then I had my first craft club on Tuesday evening. I offered to take over our local group as the lady running it was stepping down, my friend is helping me along with another lady who was already on the committee. We decided to do more make and takes and everyone will now have to bring their own equipment and materials.
I have now got to come up with plenty of projects! We started off with a Slider card, it was a little disorganised but I think everyone enjoyed it and we had five new ladies.
I've not got a card to show you as I was too busy sorting everyone else out.
These are the ones I made at Warrington Crafty Devils, the monkey was a Challenge using a template, we were all given a different one. I don't think anyone was impressed but the results were really good.

Finally a Good Luck card ordered by a friend

I've got a DT and two challenge cards to do, not to mention cleaning up so I better get a move on.